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RE/MAX Bowl-A-Thon raises over $12k for Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital

On Sunday, March 12, event organizer, Tracy Wilt, and her team hosted a successful bowl-a-thon event sponsored by RE/MAX Results Realty Group in Altoona that raised $12,327 to help local kids treated at Geisinger. The event was held at the Pleasant Valley Recreation Center from 1-4pm and featured raffle baskets, 50/50 drawings and a bowling showdown with many teams participating. The bowling alley had no open lanes and teams enthusiastically cheered as team members bowled strike after strike all to support kids treated at Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital.

In attendance was Miracle Kid, Caley Halerz, and her family who benefitted from the support of Children’s Miracle Network back in 2015. Caley was born at 24 weeks and only weighed 1 pound, 2 ounces. She spent a lot of time in Geisinger’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit until she was able to head home four months later with her family.

Funds raised to support Children’s Miracle Network at Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital are used to provide life-saving equipment, programs and services for kids treated at Geisinger within its 30 counties in Pennsylvania.