Miracle Family Gives Back Every Year!
Family celebrates Miracle Kid’s birthday with handmade quilts for Geisinger’s kids!
Fifteen-year-old Anna Pritchard poses proudly in front of 42 handmade quilts that she and her family donated to Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital for pediatric patients to use while they receive care. Anna’s grandmothers, Karen and Cynthia, have been making quilts to donate for years – making enough quilts to cover the age Anna is turning that year!
You may be wondering, then why did they donate 42 this year? The answer is simple: COVID. This recent bunch all started when Anna turned 13, then 14 and now 15! The colors, designs, prints and quality of each handmade blanket contains so much love from this family and will certainly bring smiles to the kids at Geisinger.
Anna became a Miracle Kid in 2013 when she was only six years old. She had a double outlet right ventricle with an atrial septal defect. Her parents quickly noticed a change in her condition when she developed a pale complexion and sudden fatigue during activities. Anna underwent several surgeries to correct the defect and continues to be seen by the Geisinger pediatric cardiology team for her care.
We thank Anna and her family for their continued support of Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital!