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Meet our New Community Play Hosts and Mods

We hope you can check out our new Community Play programming which you can catch on our Twitch channel on Thursdays and Saturdays at 7pm EST. With Community Play, we’ve overhauled our program previously known as Stream Team and we’re featuring brand new community-building events:

  • Focus on play with the community: The Community Play Hosts will focus on supporting community playdates throughout the year. By organizing through our Discord, the host will gather community members to play games together. Game lists will be selected each season.
    • For example: Minecraft UHC or Minecraft community builds, Tetris 99 matches, Fortnite private servers, playing Star Wars Battlefront on Star Wars Day, organizing Tabletop Simulator events on Tabletop Appreciation Weekend, Marvel Ultimate Alliance on Free Comic Book Day, etc.
  • Community watch parties: On Twitch and Discord we’ll host regular community watch parties. We’ll rely on Community Play Hosts to help execute. The community watch parties will be on the third Friday of the month at 7pm EST.
  • Community + industry panels: Community Play Hosts will begin coordinating interviews and panels to discuss gaming & fundraising.
  • Best practice streams: Monthly, we’ll produce a short stream highlighting an Extra Lifer and their fundraising best practices. This chat will outline what the individual does and feature video content.

Without further ado, we wanted to introduce you to our new Community Play Hosts and Community Play Mods who generously donate their time to play games and heal kids:

Community Play Hosts

CeeZeeGamerGirl (Hannah) 

Hi! My name is Hannah, but I’m better known as CeeZee aka CeeZeeGamerGirl. It’s going to be my second year with Extra Life, and I’m helping to fundraise for Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital. I love being a part of what Extra Life stands for, which is playing games, bringing happy people together, raising awareness and helping our local children in need. I am mainly a PC gamer. My favorite games are Rocket League, Minecraft and Fortnite. 

MajorLinux (Marcus)

For those who don’t know who I am, I’m a dad and Linux System Administrator who loves giving back. I have been participating in Extra Life for around ten years, serving as Guild leadership here in Raleigh-Durham, NC for nearly half of that. I was also a part of the first iteration of the Extra Life stream team since 2016.

I love to play most games, mainly sports and racing games, but have dabbled in other genres (not horror). But, mainly, I love fighting to make sure everyone has a fair chance at life, be it sick and injured kids or people of all walks of life.

HyperChai (Chelsea) 

Hi! I’m Chelsea, or more often known online as HyperChai! Some of my all-time favorite games include Pokemon, Final Fantasy, and Kingdom Hearts—I’m a huge fan of RPGs, but I enjoy so much across the board. (Please don’t ask me about my video game backlog, it’s terrifying). When I’m not gaming, I love to cosplay, fiddle with programming-related projects, and binge watch The Clone Wars. I’ve been with Extra Life for five years now, and every year I get to know so many more incredible people helping support kids through gaming—let’s all do our best to make this year even better than the last!  


Hi!  I’m Mysticete and I am so excited to be joining the Community Play Host team.  I am a self-proclaimed geek, lawyer, mom of two little boys, avid crafter, and lifelong dancer.  I have eternal wanderlust and love new experiences and meeting people.  For me, gaming has always been about connecting to people and exploring worlds, genres, and new forms of expression.  My favorite games are generally rhythm/dance and puzzle/strategy games, but I also love board games, tabletop RPGs, Smite, Overwatch, and Sea of Thieves, among others.  My Extra Life team, the Super Squirrel Squad, is also my gaming group and closest friends.  I am so grateful to Extra Life for allowing me to work with my friends to turn our passion for gaming into a way make the world brighter, and help those in need.  To me, Extra Life means togetherness, unity, inclusion, support, and compassion.  Extra Life means passion and drive and a commitment to do good.  I am so looking forward to meeting more Extra Lifers and expanding the reach of this incredible community. 

Community Play Mods

AllthewayJ (Jessie)

Hi! My name is Jessie, or “J” as I’m known online. I’ve been a part of Extra Life for six years now. I raise funds for KU Medical Center here in Kansas City. Being a part of Extra Life has been a wonderful thing. The community (or family) created is like no other and I’m thankful to be a part of it. I like to play story-based games with the occasional competitive game thrown in. My favorite game is Portal 2 and I have the tattoos to prove it. 


I learned about Extra Life while watching a streamer on Twitch that is known for his facial hair reassure his audience that it would “be back in a couple of days” as he shaved it off. Upon further investigation, I realized it was his stretch goal for people donating to his Extra Life campaign. Instantly I thought “I want to do that as well!” Well… maybe not the shave the facial hair bit… If I had some maybe. In five years of participating in Extra Life I have played everything from tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons to video games like Borderlands (and some weird obscure games thrown in as well).

Medieval Melody (Lora)

I’ve been a part of the Extra Life Community since 2014. Since then, I’ve raised over $27,000 USD for the Pediatrics unit at my local CMN hospital –KU Medical Center. In addition, I’m an avid member and leader of my local Extra Life Guild! 

My preferred method of gaming is board games, but I also dabbles in console video gaming and Tabletop RPGs. My favorite games include Dominion, Azul, Subnautica, the entire Mass Effect franchise, and anything in the Fallout universe (board game and RPG included).  Outside of Extra Life and gaming, I’m part of a nerdy band in Kansas City that performs at renaissance festivals and conventions all over the Midwest.  I’m also a caregiver to my mother and have been since I was a teen. This experience is a large part of why I do Extra Life! 

Novus’Olm (Joshua)

My name is Joshua, the Caped One™ and I’ve been part of Extra Life for Eleventy years (that means 11!). I’ve worn more hats than Hat Kid, including Support Chat, Street Team Leader, Original Guild President for Orlando FL, current Guild President for Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I joined Tori’s Angels, serving for three years for Extra Life United and one year for Extra Life United: Online Edition, as well as a mod for Discord for the last few years. I don’t stream, and Twitch is largely foreign to me, but CMN Hospitals and Extra Lifer are a huge passions of mine and I love helping wherever I can. I tend to be the Knower of Obscure Things ©, so please reach out anytime you have a question that you can’t find the answer to!


Extra Life has been a part of my life now for the last seven years.  In that time, I met some amazing people and had some equally amazing experiences.  Not only is Extra Life my passion, it’s also my family’s passion; they have also joined in and started playing games and fundraising with me!  For the last two years I was a part of the original Stream Team and I am excited to join the new team as a moderator.  I look forward to further advancing awareness around children’s health issues, Extra Life, CMN Hospitals, as well as building up the Extra Life community.  

Outside of Extra Life I am a husband, a father, and a software engineer.  I enjoy sending time with my family and being outdoors, but also love to be lazy sometimes. 

Don’t forget to sign up for Extra Life to help sick and injured kids in hospitals around the US and Canada by playing games!